Comments on: Chocolate Chip Blondies modern. delicious. addictive. Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:39:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gloria Fri, 28 Jun 2024 15:39:16 +0000 5 stars
Excellent recipe, followed exactly as written with the exception of using bittersweet chocolate chips instead of semi-sweet, which is what I had on hand. For those that thought they were too sweet, I suggest try using the bittersweet chocolate chips to counterbalance the sweetness of the bars – especially with all the other ingredients it really is a well balanced flavor. Look forward to trying other recipes, but not sure if my family will want me to stop making these to try something else!

By: Odile Glatz Tue, 21 May 2024 21:26:39 +0000 5 stars
This worked exactly as written, thanks!

By: Tralana Wed, 27 Dec 2023 04:47:39 +0000 In reply to Katie.

@Katie, just take the 2 numbers and add them together.. any pan with the same sum is the sane size.
For example, 9×9 pan =
9+9= 18 &
11+7= 18
That’s how you do it.

By: Jamie Tue, 18 Jul 2023 16:01:54 +0000 In reply to Katie.

Hi Katie – In step 1 in the recipe card, it says to us a 9×9-inch baking pan.

By: Katie Tue, 18 Jul 2023 00:48:26 +0000 Please make it easier to figure out the size of pan to use.

By: Jamie Wed, 28 Jun 2023 19:53:25 +0000 In reply to Veronica.

That’s genius, Veronica! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your feedback. Happy baking!

By: Veronica Tue, 27 Jun 2023 01:02:51 +0000 I made these tonight but lessened the amount of chocolate chips to 1 cup, added a half cup of mini marshmallows, and 1/4 cup chopped almonds for a rocky road inspired blondie. This is the perfect base recipe!

By: Cassidy Sun, 26 Mar 2023 17:30:47 +0000 In reply to Cassidy.

@Jamie, Thank you so much for responding! I knew the rule that, when an ingredient has something listed after a comma, it pretty much always means to measure first and then do that thing (like your example with chopped nuts), but for some reason I just didn’t even think about that when it came to the butter. Guess I had a bit of a blonde moment, lol! (Or in this case, maybe it’d be a ‘blondie’ moment?)

Anyhow, thank you so much for taking the time to respond and help educate me! Have a great rest of your weekend!

By: Jamie Mon, 20 Mar 2023 16:41:59 +0000 In reply to Cassidy.

Hi Cassidy – When the ingredient list has an instruction listed at the end (such as “2/3 cup butter, melted and cooled” or “1/2 cup nuts, chopped”), that means you measure out the ingredient first, then do whatever it is asking you to do (melt the butter, chop the nuts, etc). If the ingredients say “2/3 cup melted butter” or “1/2 cup chopped nuts”), you would melt, chop, etc, first, then measure it out. So in this case, you measure then melt. Hope this helps!

By: Cassidy Sun, 19 Mar 2023 17:36:08 +0000 Hello! I have a quick measurement question. I’m super excited to make these, however, am a bit unclear about the amount of butter. When you say 2/3 cup butter, is that the measurement for it before or after it’s melted? Or does it equal 2/3 cups either way, both melted and unmelted? I might be overthinking this lol.

Thank you in advance, I can’t wait to make these! :)
